中文學會幹事同學靈活運用科技,通過 iPad 及不同軟件設計攤位遊戲,以 Emoji認成語、詩句配對、文學名作與作家/角色配對等為主題。是次活動氣氛相當熱烈,同學積極參與,寓學於樂。
The English Movie Appreciation Week
The English Movie Appreciation Week (15-18/5/2023), organized by the English Society and Campus English Reporters, was a great success this year. By watching the four English movies: Johnny English Reborn, Spirited Away (English Version), Mr. Popper’s Penguin and Coco, completing the post-viewing survey on the Google form and listening to the bilingual morning announcements, students were able to learn English and the life lessons in the movies. Many students enjoyed their lunch and free popcorn during the event.
Last but not least, a BIG THANKS to the IT Department for turning the old wing covered playground into a mini-movie theatre with excellent sound quality!