校歌原曲 Annie Lisle 所作,英文歌詞由葛理佩夫人 (Mrs. Henry Blair Graybill) 填寫,後由陳輯五先生翻譯成中文。
平原廣闊 瞭近目前 江水流其間
群邱遠繞 恆為障護 奮前莫畏難
母校屹立 風波不搖 佳氣承遠方
地美人娛 乃祖所賜 愛保兩勿忘
韶光幾度 花娛鳥樂 飽受春風雨
使我樂輸 黃金時刻 基爾高黌序
當前百事 待儂担負 不怕半途廢
壯我胸懷 得如昔在 母校光風裡
Broad the plain before us reaches,
Calm the tides that flow;
Far the mountains ever guard us,
On in strength we go.
College mother, calm thou standest,
Given from afar;
Wondrous land our fathers gave us,
True to both we are!
In thy care bright years are bringing
Joys in happy throng;
To thy life, these years were giving
Gladly us this song.
In the years and strife before us
Never shall we fail;
Courage, then, as joy thou’ lt give us,
Alma Mater Hail!