
能夠成為嶺南衡怡紀念中學新任校長,我會以基督精神為本,秉承嶺南辦學團體傳統「弘基格致 服務社群」的校訓,營造更佳的學習及教學環境,帶領學生和老師在學術上不斷追求卓越、在品格上培育高尚情操。 在未來的日子,我會常懷著謙卑、尊重、感恩的心,延續衡怡嚴而有愛的優良傳統,與各持份者攜手同心,共創明天。
學校即將推行新一期三年發展計劃的關注事項,包括:一) 提升學生的學習效能;二) 提升學生成就感,培養正面積極的學習態度。嶺南衡怡的教師團隊將會堅守崗位、與時俱進,為學生締造一個愛心滿滿的正向學習環境,讓他們充分發揮、建立自信、追求卓越及培育良好的品格。我們將創造更多機會,讓學生盡展所長。我深信透過老師循循善誘的教導和鼓勵,每個學生都能夠持續進步及超越自我。
As the new principal of Lingnan Hang Yee Memorial Secondary School, I am thrilled to promote a caring, respectful, and inclusive learning and teaching atmosphere where both students and teachers feel valued and supported. My obligation is to provide students with a plethora of resources and support necessary to unleash their full potential. Our zealous teachers will continue nurturing exemplary students who strive to pursue excellence and integrity. We will offer top-notch education that can shape students’ futures and transform their lives.
As the old saying goes, a thousand-mile journey begins with a single step. I encourage each student to approach every day as an opportunity for betterment and to be a better person today than yesterday. Under the tutelage of our teachers, students will be inspired to embrace challenges and strive for excellence. Last but not least, our powerful synergy with parents and alumni will empower students to work wonders. Concerted efforts matter; together, we can create a vibrant and thriving school community where everyone feels supported and valued.
Mr Keith Wai-Hou WONG